Thursday, February 12

SPH's dividend yield


  1. Hi Kay,

    However SPH shares have been dropping and might not seem to have bottom. While its not in a sunset industry, the revenue is likely to be stagnating for a while. I am not sure whether they can maintain the dividends.

  2. Hi DB10,

    I'm not that sure too whether they can maintain the dividend. I do think that there is a chance they can maintain it too. I feel that SPH is one of the overlooked counters on SGX due to the notion that print media is on the decline and advertisements are falling. In my humble opinion, the numbers in the financials seem to be singing a different tune.


  3. Hi,

    Think SPH is in a mature industry, even to the extent of saying its nearly a sunset industry.

    SPH's print is based on information that allows them to charge for advertisements. So basically, they are competing with Google in some ways. The internet is proliferating...think this would seriously impact SPH.

    So SPH has moved digitally...Channelnewasia is a good substitute. Google news local is also a good substitute.

    Handhelds phones with internets access is getting common too....

    All this seismic shifts...will definitely impact SPH in time to come, especially with the younger generations getting more savvy technologically.

    Its justified that their share price go down reflect this.

    SGDividends Team

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  5. Hi SGDividends,

    In time to come, I'm also rather pessimistic on the outlook of the traditional print media industry. Perhaps it would take a decade or two for this to change. Meanwhile, in the very short term, I am rather heartened by the fact the revenue from advertisements have increased significantly in 2008 as compared to 2007 despite the fact that we are in a recession now.


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