Friday, May 22

Vested Interest


  1. I guess Adam Smith did a pretty neat and understandable summary of vested interest. He said that it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest Why would anyone waste his/her time when he/she stands no chance to gain something out of it anyway?
    Well, I guess vested interest arises when a person's welfare is tied certain outcomes based on his action. My MLM and salesperson friends have certainly taught me a lesson or two.

  2. Hi KF,

    I agree with what you said. Vested interest is not such a bad thing after all if you can make it a win-win situation for yourself and the other party. Otherwise, the one who is on the receiving end may suffers.

  3. The hawker selling hokkien mee in Bedok has a vested interest when he sell the yellow noodle.

    MM Lee also has a vested interest when he visit China to sell the small little red dot.

    Most of us have a vested interest in our profession but it is the integrity of the person to do his best in creating a win-win situation.

  4. Hi Adrian,

    I agree with you. The integrity of the person matters a lot. But it's not always easy to choose and find someone who has integrity. Meanwhile, it will be good to stay prudent and think about whether any advice being offered comes with any strings being attached.
