Sunday, April 19

Gambler's Fallacy


  1. On the other hand, will you feel vindicated if indeed the STI plunged further? Hindsight is always 6/6.

    I recommend reading a book called Fooled by Randomness by Taleb Nassim. It gives great insight on this topic.

  2. Hi bbqchickenwings,

    Whether the STI will plunge further is not really the issue for my post. It's more of whether the way I think and execute my actions are based on sound reasoning or are they clouded by other factors such as my emotions. I guess that this post of mine is leaning towards behavioral finance. Participants in the market are not as efficient as one may thinks and they are often driven by emotions and irrational reasoning.

    I heard great things about that book and I will definitely pick that book up in the near future. Thanks for the recommendation.

