Tuesday, December 15

Correct expectations of medical insurance plans


  1. Thanx for your advice here. But it seems very complicated for a lay-man to understand. So any advice how we should choose the medical shield?

  2. The insurers have it all worked out. They hired mathematicians to do the sums, then hire language experts to word it nicely. Finally they hire agents to sell to you. It is in their interest to get the most from you and pay the least. So they design fanciful umbrellas with holes in the right places so any shit hits you right in the eye. How else can their CEOs be sipping red wine and getting a massage while sitting on some of the most expensive chairs your money can buy, thinking of the next exotic alaskan cruise using your money?

  3. Hi,

    The easiest way will be to approach an independent financial adviser or IFA in short as they will do a comparison on the shield plans available in the market and advise you on the most suitable plan. Some IFA firms available locally includes Promiseland and Providend. If we were to just look at the brochures offered by the insurance companies, it does not divulge the finer details of the shield plans which may be crucial.


  4. I don't think so, Kay. You must be an IFA from one of those Promiselands you mentioned. They promise you what they get themselves. Why have another layer of bloodsuckers to suck you dry? The only one who will really take care of you is yourself. Have another layer of middlemen means havings another layer of risk and loss.

  5. There is a comparison of different shield plans offered by various insurance company in MOH website

    I believe that one must really do their homework before buying shield plans as it will really impact your cashflow should anything happen. You should also take into consideration various coverage you have before deciding which plan is best for you (Eg: company insurance)


  6. Hi,

    I do not work in the financial field. Of course it's true that no one will care the most about their own interest except themselves. However, not all of us have the interest to read up on financial and insurance stuff, not to mention the jargon that comes with it. In the case, it is better to rely on an IFA to advise you. Not any IFA will do but one that you trust and possess many years of experience. I don't suggest insurance agents because they are tied to the products of their companies that they are selling. Will an Prudential insurance agent recommend you to buy an NTUC Incomeshield plan even though it may be better or vice versa ? That proves my point.


  7. Hi Liang,

    Thanks for the link. Company insurance are not portable usually thus I suggest that one don't take into account when they are doing their insurance planning. It will be prudent to understand and do their homework when it comes to private shield plans. There is a good discussion @ http://forums.sgfunds.com/viewforum.php?f=40

  8. Do not give up your gold at any cost. They will say 3 days to check authenticity of your gold that you bought from them - its ridiculous. Protect your capital.
