Monday, January 26

STI ETF 1st dividends for 2009


  1. Do they have any cut off period for the dividend entitlement? cos I just bought some on Nov 08 and on last friday.

  2. I believe they have a cut off period for the dividend entitlement. The ex-date for STI ETF was on 22nd January which was last Thursday. That means that from the 22nd of January onwards, there will be a XD sign beside the STI ETF on the market. Unfortunately, you must make your purchase before the ex-date to be entitled to dividends. Thus with regards to your question, I believe that the purchase you made on Nov 08 will be entitled to dividends while the purchase you made on Friday will not be entitled to dividends.

  3. Hi Kay,

    Do we have to declare the dividend that we received in our tax assessment?


  4. Hi YC,

    I don't think you need to declare your dividend if you are a citizen. As taken from the IRAS website @

    "You need to declare the taxable dividends under 'other income', and the amount of tax deducted (please refer to your dividend vouchers/statements) under ‘Singapore tax deducted at source’ in your tax form."

    "However, if you hold a Singapore NRIC, the relevant companies paying the dividends will provide information on your taxable dividends to us. You need not declare the dividends (this does not apply to dividends received by joint account holders or where shares are held through nominees)."
