Wednesday, January 28

Reits seek cut in payout to as low as 50%


  1. These Reit managers should take action first and cut their own pay before asking for any help.
    They are putting only their interests first, even issuing rights issue at a discount, without bothering about the drop in unit price, so they can continue to get their high pay and even make some money by paying themselves, like Saizen reits, introducer fees, for finding interested parties to subscribe for the rights.
    They should not change the rules of the game and shift the goalposts. Only PAP can do that! What right have these private individuals have to do these? Who do they think they are and who do they think their unitholders are?

  2. I agree with you. They should put the interest of the unitholders first. Unfortunately, unitholders do not have much power unless they take action collectively. I guess the only way to preempt this is to make sure that one buy Reits that has a good management and a low gearing ratio. Saizen in my opinion, is only the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps there will be more coming up soon.
