Monday, November 23

Don't expect interest rates to rise


  1. I read this article with a mixture of disgust and amusement.

    Disgust because banks are so exploitative that they would rather give you a paltry 0.125% than offer you better rates, even though they can probably afford it. They use SIBOR as an excuse for everything - how convenient.

    Amused because it is actually not difficult to get a return higher than 3-4% if one bothers to do some research. Even SGS pays much better than bank deposits and there is hardly any default risk. The idea is to select a very stable company with decent yield and park some money there. Yes there is some risk involved but then it's manageable risk.


  2. Hi Musicwhiz,

    Currently, the rates for fixed deposits are competitive with SGS unfortunately. So there are not too many choices for us to park our money currently. Like I always said, banks are for shareholders so it is understandable that they are exploitative so that profits can be maximized.

