Sunday, September 27

Genting: Market irrationality on show


  1. Firstly, who care if the market is crazy? Just ride it and make your dough. Everyday, I read commentaries about the Sucker Rally in this Bear market. Meanwhile, the train keeps chugging along. Just make sure to jump off as soon as it stall, and don't get caught in the wreck which ensued.

    Secondly, the Gahmen has a huge stake in making sure the IRs do not fail. On the surface, they looked like pure commercial ventures. But don't underestimate the the face-saving rescue could come into play.

  2. Hi,

    It depends on how you ride it. I like to think of it as a game of musical chairs. As long as the music keeps on playing, it will be alright. But no one will know when will the music stops. And when it stops, one better hope that he is still sitting on a chair.

    Whether it is a false rally in this bear market is not of any importance to me since I buy on the basis of valuation. If something out there is of fantastic quality and is selling cheaply, you can be sure that I will snap it up.

    I have little doubt that the government will let the IRs fail. But I don't wish to invest in something just because it cannot fail. A company can be unprofitable but yet it still will not fail. Chartered is a good example of a company that is backed by the government that has been not profitable and has been destroying shareholder's value year after year.


  3. so what's you call? hold, buy or sell?

    cheers ..

  4. Since my nick is Musicwhiz, I guess I control when the music stops playing for Genting. Haha !

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  6. Hi Weng,

    It depends on your objective. If you wish to make a quick buck, I have no advice since the market can turn into any directions without anyone knowing. If you wish to hold this for a few years, it will depend on how well Genting will perform but for now, I would say it is not a good company to invest in.


  7. Hi Musicwhiz,

    Haha. That's a good one. In that case, you must be raking in profits from Genting already.


  8. Hi wayangtimes,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I will try it when I'm more free.


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