Sunday, August 2

GE to return $250m


  1. GE with OCBC has done a great job and truly lived up to her slogan "life is great". She has shown many other giant financial instituitions (including the people's bank) about customer care over protection of own self interest by hiding behind some finely printed contract clauses.
    Shame on the banks who chose to "conveniently" forget that many of their customers will lose their life savings and never make it back.The banks know they will have future opportunities to make back the losses but what about the common folks. In the first place, banks shouldn't sell such risky products.

  2. Hi,

    I agree with you. To add on, GE is an insurance company which make profits for its shareholders. Unlike banks, people tend to stick to one insurance company. By offering to refund the premiums, GE has gained a tremendous amount of goodwill that can result in an greater loyalty among its current policyholders and attract more new clients.

    Banks are not our friends. They are for profits similarly. Either the products offered by banks need to be regulated or the public will need to be educated in taking a cautious approach towards such products.

